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Youri U - Artista de voz

Biografía del artista

Looking for a 100% native Dutch (Nederlands) male voice over? I am here to offer you my professional voice over services. I had the pleasure of working with top brands such as Unilever, NS(Nederlandse spoorwegen), Arriva, Philips, Friesland Campina, SONOS, Politie Nederland, Trigion, Intratuin and many more. PROFESSIONAL MALE VOICE-OVER FOR: Commercials Training narrations / eLearning Explainer videos IVR / On Hold prompts / Phone System Anything requiring a voice! WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT: *️A Fresh, natural and warm voice ️*High-end Recording, Editing and Voice-cleaning ️*100% Satisfaction WHAT I NEED: - Your script - Your desired tone and style for the script. I take the time to read and analyze your script to ensure that I deliver the best voice that fit your specific project needs. Studio: Vocal booth: Whisper room | Mic: Sennheiser MKH416 | Pre-amp: dbx 286s, Audient | Monitoring: Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro I look forward to bringing your project to life.

Los clientes incluyen

Philips, Unilever, Michelin, NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen), Arriva, Friesland Campina

Graba locuciones en: Dutch
Puede tomar dirección en: Dutch English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$377.99 per hour*+ $8.19 booking fee*

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