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Stefan G - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

I have been a professional voiceover artist since 2020, working on corporate narration and non-fiction audiobooks. My background is IT marketing - where an authentic, authoritative voice is key to putting across complex ideas to sceptical audiences - recording sales training, podcasts and webinars. I have technical experience across a range of new and emerging technologies. Engaging with business and technical audiences - explaining clearly the value of new, complex technologies and the advantages of their adoption; understanding that each listener/audience engages in a unique way. Prior to my career in IT marketing, I worked in regional rep. theatre and the Fringe. My theatre production background helped when I put my home studio together in its dedicated space. I have worked in theatre on the technical side - sound, lights, scenery, and on more than one occasion, a whole building.

Los clientes incluyen

Harriman House, ACX (various independent authors), Kaspersky Lab, Bear Jam Productions, Kopfsalat Medien

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$460.19 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Aprendizaje electrónico
Audio libro


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