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Sharna V - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

I am highly adaptable with a broad range of age and expression. My strong vocal range can suit a wide range of styles and playing ages, from a young Gen-Z teenage girl, through to late 30's. My energetic, friendly and engaging style is perfect for commercial reads with an authentic flavour. Whilst my clear, assured and naturally southern RP voice also works brilliantly for corporate narrations and documentaries. I can be well spoken and professional or more conversational and relaxed depending on the project at hand. VOCAL ABILITIES: Natural accent is: British Neutral (Soft, Southern Received Pronunciation RP) Other UK Accents include: Hyperlect (Exaggerated, Posh RP, Queen's English, BBC) Strong understanding of phonetics and pronunciation: Complex pronunciations: Geographical, Medical, Technical, Historical, Foreign and more Genuine, believable voice acting with emotive and impactful performance. A wide range of characters: ‘The tech-savvy millennial’ ‘The best friend keeping it real’ ‘The caring new mother’ ‘One of the team’ ‘The medical professional’… or… whoever you need! Sharna understands how the voice can be used differently to achieve the desired outcome in different projects. EXPERIENCE: An experienced voiceover artist, with credits in commercials and corporate work for clients such as Google, YouTube, Adobe, LVMH, National Geographic, Boohoo, Pepsi, Philips, The New York Times, Debenhams, HSBC and many more. TRAINING: Sharna Vine was born and raised on the South Coast of England and began performing at the age of 3 years old, competing in dance competitions, followed by dancing and acting in London Theatre productions such as Aladdin, Oliver Twist, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, The Wizard of Oz etc. After dance performing, Sharna progressed into voice acting undertaking further voice specific 1:1 coaching and workshops and building her own dedicated home recording studio and working full time as a voice talent for local clients, national clients and eventually global clients. From her home studio, Sharna has voiced over 3000+ projects and counting, including television commercials and radio spots, audiobooks, eLearning narrations, website animation projects and even voiced characters for exciting video games. She has also helped numerous companies with their on-hold phone messaging, corporate pitches, internal training narrations and brand voice.Sharna Vine was born and raised on the South Coast of England and began performing at the age of 3 years old, competing in dance competitions, followed by dancing and acting in London Theatre productions such as Aladdin, Oliver Twist, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, The Wizard of Oz etc. PROVIDES: * Deliver professionally polished audio files delivered to your exact requirements. * Offer proof-reading services * I have a professional recording studio comprising an acoustically treated custom built Sound Isolation Session Booth, Neumann TLM 103 Studio Set Large Diaphragm Cardioid Condenser Microphone, RØDE Pop Filter, Fully Integrated Apple/iMac Pro Operating System 2022, Focusrite Scarlett Interface and top of the range recording software Logic Pro X.

Los clientes incluyen

Google, YouTube, HSBC, Boohoo, Debenhams, LVMH

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$878.36 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

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