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Paul C - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

2003 - Voice Over Artist, Writer & Novelist  Twelve ACX narrated books (up to June 2021) – Available on Audible.  Many YouTube videos, company ads & promotional jobs booked and voiced via Fiverr.  Many fiction & non-fiction books published – Available on Amazon. 1995 - 2003 First Stage Performance Centres, Children’s Performance Workshops.  Established 3 centres; 2 in Harlow, Essex and 1 in East Ham, London.  Held classes in drama, dance and singing for children from 6-18 years old.  Employed other teachers for dancing and singing, teaching drama myself.  Devised and scripted a number of drama/musicals performed at local theatres.  The revenue from these centres supported me through university and beyond. 1995 -1998 3 year degree; University of East London, Stratford.  New Technology, Media & Communication, 2:1 (BSc Hons). 1991-1995 Director & Senior Training Consultant, Voicevisions.  Created and managed Voicevisions, a voice and communications training company.  Designed and delivered public workshops in vocal presentation and communication skills.  Managed all aspects of the business including market research, DTP, publicity, administration and team building.  Interviewed by London Talk Radio on communication and participated in phone-ins on specialised areas of communication skills.  Studied and trained with the Kairos Foundation to teach self-esteem courses - the issue at the heart of powerful personal communication. 1980-1995 Actor/Director - Stage & Television.  Performed in and directed more than 40 plays.  Appeared in over 30 TV and video productions, including; London's Burning, Grange Hill & The Bill.  Set up actors' co-operative agency in the 80s, designed its trading objectives, organised premises, designed office procedures, created and executed publicity and marketing strategies.  Produced, directed and performed a play acquiring Equity cards for the entire company (8 people).

Los clientes incluyen

CERN, Sosto Museum Village, Hungría, consultoría de salud mental de Myndup, estatuas que cuentan historias, Chipre

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$276.07 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Audio libro
Comercial de radio
Comercial de radio


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