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Noella M - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

Noella is a seasoned voice-over artist, voice actor and vocalist with over 20 years of voice-over, voice acting and jingle experience. She has played the lead, 'Ollie' in the CG animated TV serial ‘Ollie and Friends’ season 5 and has more recently played multiple characters using different accents in the animated TV serial 'Leo the Wildlife Ranger' season 2 with an international release on ZooMoo. She also plays one of the leads ‘Josie’ in newly launched audio series ‘Singapore Six’ – a collaboration between IMDA and Audible. Her voice features in TVCs, documentaries aired on Channel News Asia, corporate videos and spots including airlines like Singapore Airlines, Silk Air, Lufthansa & Qatar Airways, Connect@Changi, Big brands such as Vogue Eyewear, Bosch, Ponds, Pampers, Similac, Banks such as Standard Chartered, HSBC, Barclays, Citibank, DBS and UOB, iconic tourism campaigns such as Malaysia Truly Asia, Taiwan Touch your heart, Seoul Infinitely Yours and Vietnam Hidden Charm and hotels and resorts such as Resorts World Sentosa, Gardens by the Bay, Park Royal Group and Marriot International. She has acquired international recognition with a nomination for Best Voice Over, Outstanding Body of Work, International at the prestigious Voice Arts Awards 2020 (SOVAS - Society of Voice Arts and Sciences) in New York, USA. She won Best Voice Over, Corporate Film English Female at the India Voice Fest 2020. VO credits for short films, animated TV serials that have won 'The Hollywood Film Festival', 'Cannes Lion Award', 'Giffoni Film Festival', 'Richmond International Film Festival' and 'Asian Academy Creative Awards'.

Los clientes incluyen

Gafas Vogue, Tiffany, Pampers, Surf, Lufthansa, Citibank

Graba locuciones en: English Singing
Puede tomar dirección en: English Singing
Mostrar tarifas para:
$460.12 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

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