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Neil W - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

Hi, and thanks for stopping by! If you’re looking to hire a male voice over artist who can bring your script to life, follow direction, record in their own professional studio (which you can listen into and direct via Zoom), provide audio editing and deliver finished and ready to use audio, then you’re in the right place. I’m Neil, I’ve been a full time voiceover artist for twenty years. My voice is naturally warm and friendly, with a neutral, non-regional English accent. Through my work in radio, my voice has been heard and welcomed into millions of peoples lives, which is a bonus when you’re trying to make a connection to an audience - a voice they’ve already heard is better than a stranger. I mainly play young adult to middle age, can offer characters and have vast experience in e-learning voiceovers, commercials for radio and television, upbeat and impactful voiceovers for VOD and pre-roll. My professionally built, fully soundproofed home voice over studio is based in Surrey. It includes industry leading audio equipment, enabling me to deliver high quality, broadcast ready audio whenever you need it. As mentioned earlier, you can also log in and direct the session remotely. I pride myself in delivering a professional service, working closely with clients to ensure I understand the brief and deliver exactly what is required. My reviews on google are all five star, with clients delighted with the quality, speed and professionalism of the service I provide. I hope to work with you next.

Los clientes incluyen

Ring, British Airways, HSBC, Sega, ESPN, Milwaukee

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$230.18 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Anuncio de televisión
Aprendizaje electrónico


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