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Lucas BS - Artista de voz

Biografía del artista

Luke has a distinctive voice which is rich and rambunctious. He was delighted to recently record a National Voice Over spot for Warner Brothers Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter for Amazon Music UK (This can be heard from living rooms and kitchens across the United Kingdom on ones Alexa!). Luke was also overjoyed to land a recent National Television Commercial spot (TVC) for financial company ClearScore after a lot of hard work and persistence. His voice breathes warm life into Corporate Voice-Overs, E-Learning projects, Commercials, Animations & Cartoons, Video Games, Audiobooks and Documentaries. As a voice-over artist, Luke has worked with a number of well-known corporate companies globally some of which include Royal Mail, ClearScore, Warner Brothers, Hyundai, Fortinet, Abbott Laboratories, Club Swan, Dubai International Airport (DXB), BTL, One Identity by Quest and much more. Luke works as an Audiobook Narrator and has a number of titles/works on available for download on Audible. He is the voice of the Inflection Point Series (The Multiverse Chronicles) - a series of Sci-Fi time travelling books available on Audible. He is currently narrating ‘Beyond Kushnapur’ written by Mark Flawn-Thomas which is a historical fictional novel set in India during the British Raj before and after Indian Partition. It will be also be released to Audible and will be available at the beginning of Summer 2023. Luke is a listed reader on RNIB’s Talking Books list of Narrators. Luke records his crisp, crystal clear voice-overs from his acoustically treated, industry standard professional home recording studio/booth using his condenser microphone, sound absorption panels, Focusrite Scarlett Solo Interface/Pre Amp (3rd Generation) and his Digital Audio Editing Software (DAW). Luke is very dedicated to his voice-over craft and can turn projects around quickly, efficiently and professionally. He is a skilled editor and does his own editing to a professional, studio quality standard.

Los clientes incluyen

Royal Mail, Warner Brothers (Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter), ClearScore, Hyundai, Fortinet, Abbott Laboratories

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$457.90 per hour*+ $8.12 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Guia de audio
Juego de azar
Acento cockney


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