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Lucy E - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

I have a versatile voice, changing tones, emotions & accents with ease. My voice has been described as warm, characterful and engaging. My previous work has included television commercials, charities, radio, and corporate narration, for organisations such as Unilever and Procter & Gamble. I have a full home studio, & usually offer an 4 hour turnaround. Testimonials: "Lucy has been an extraordinarily helpful and professional, she's is very responsive and quick in making voice overs for us. Lucy has a good voice that will work in majority of genres, you ask for she makes it." Mehmet Maybarksan, Director. "I had the Pleasure of working with Lucy when she narrated our corporate film. She takes direction brilliantly, and provided us with an excellent narration. She has a knack of making even the least exciting information sound interesting! I look forward to working with her again". Matthew Shove RemPods Ltd (A Dragons' Den Company) "We use Lucy's voiceover for our TV Adverts. She is very professional with great communication skills. Highly recommended." Moinul Hossain Mukul Editor I Director I Producer "Lucy was a real help with our project, she was prompt with sending her files, she was professional and easy to work with, she took direction well, and really understood the character she was playing. We would love to work with Lucy in the future, and would recommend her for any other work she may apply for" Lucy Hunt, Casting Professional.

Los clientes incluyen

BBC, NHS, Canal 5, Procter & Gamble, Alfa Romeo,

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$401.60 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

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