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Justin S - Artista de voz

Biografía del artista

Justin is an American male voice actor who is a millennial voice talent with an authoritative and naturally conversational voice. He has been called "your friendly voice actor next door… who's occasionally screaming in his tiny padded room." This is due to his unique offerings of conversational guy-next-door delivery and his versatility with characters of all shapes and sizes. Justin has worked with a variety of top-tier clients including Hulu, Amazon, Dish Network, Whole Foods, and Chipotle. Justin has also worked with national government agencies like the NTSB and hundreds of small businesses in different areas across the world. He prides himself on working with clients of all sizes to bring value and access to a professional voice over. His experience and work ethic have brought him success in the fields of: Commercial - Elearning - Video Games - Anime - Characters - Audiobooks - Medical Narration - Corporate Explainers - Radio Ads and Tags - Promos - Real Estate - Training Videos - and anywhere a conversational voice or character is needed to engage an audience. Justin's voice has been described by clients as: professional - accessible - neutral - relatable - energetic - cheerful - smooth - British English - reassuring - convincing - engaging - professor - bright - light - calm - southern - authentic - youthful - authoritative - young - believable - natural - inspiring - warm - bold - fresh - emotional - real person - instructor - spokesperson - genuine - informative - knowledgable - charismatic - millennial - serious - teacher - outgoing - guy next door - sincere - appealing - poetic - godly - persuasive - laid back - edgy -sarcastic - humorous - explainer - abrupt - straightforward - easygoing - New York - blue collar - medical - manly - soothing - tough - playful - uplifting - attitude - classy - high energy - soldier - Military - intellectual - funny - comedic - sophisticated - dynamic - comforting - narrator - strong - trustworthy - amusing - villainous - heroic - caring - attractive - sexy - animated - corporate - educational - energetic - articulate - upbeat - friendly - character - Cartoon - average joe - deep - narrator - story teller - deep - casual - sure - ideal - raw - tonal - quick - big - special - direct - current In addition to being a full-time voice talent, Justin is a gym owner with his amazing wife, is a dog dad to two adorable rescues named Ronin and Ares, and is an avid gamer and tabletop game lover. Check out his website for more demos at: StraightProVO.com Please message him with any questions you have. He cannot wait to work together and bring value to your project!

Los clientes incluyen

Hulu, Chipotle, Spotify, Discord, Amazon, Progressive Insurance

Graba locuciones en: American
Puede tomar dirección en: American
Mostrar tarifas para:
$697.52 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Aplicación de juegos
Audio libro
Acento americano
Comercial optimista
Comercial de televisión
Anuncio de televisión


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