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Glen T - Artista de voz

Biografía del artista

Glen T is a British born voice-over artist and has worked in the broadcasting industry for thirty years. Starting his career in local radio as an engineer he soon released his passion to be in front of the microphone so he soon became part of the programme presentation team on Gloucestershire's Severn Sound radio. He worked as one of the main continuity voices on London Weekend Television. As a television presenter, he has worked extensively in live and recorded situations including QVC, Sky News, TV Travel Shop, Meridian ITV1, and many pre-recorded infomercial presentations. Glen prides himself on getting the job done properly and gives total commitment to any project, however large or small. Easy-going and understanding of any job requirement, you couldn't wish to be in a safer pair of hands.

Los clientes incluyen

LBC Radio, Classic FM, Smooth Radio (Global News) BBC Radio, ITV News Meridian, Sky News, British Gas

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$374.62 per hour*+ $8.12 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Difícil de vender
Imágenes de radio
Audio libro
Publicidad discreta


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