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Eliran H - Artista de voz

Biografía del artista

As a VO, you really have to be a master of many trades, The technical aspect , the performance and delivery aspect, And the overall professionalism in day to day communications . My years in the field have gave me a lot of added value in all of those mentioned (and some that are not) and I will be glad to implement years of knowledge and experience to your upcoming Hebrew Project. Available also for English with a a middle eastern accent , Which does come in handy for certain projects, works best for Biblical/Historical content for example. I have a B.A. in communications , and as well as being Native Hebrew and Fluent English, I am also conversational in German, and able to perform with different accents, such as Middle Eastern or International in German.

Los clientes incluyen

Intl:, Emirates, Hyundai, Colgate, Youtube Premium, PayPal

Graba locuciones en: English Hebrew
Puede tomar dirección en: English Hebrew German
Mostrar tarifas para:
$191.70 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Acento de Oriente Medio


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