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Danny D - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

Trained actor and musician with Voquet-verified home studio. 20+ years of experience in performing music and theatre. Recently returning to the acting landscape, now solely focussed on voice- acting. Since September 2021, Danny has gained non-exclusive representation with a US-based agency, and voiced a variety of projects from commercials and promotions, to explainers and audiobooks. Danny has a diverse range, from friendly, warm, upbeat and conversational, to menacing, authoritative, announcer and commercial. Most of Danny's range registers on the lower end of the scale, with a naturally deep, gravelly, tenor voice. Danny's main accents are British-English; Received Pronunciation/Prestige, and London/Urban/Cockney. Danny is able to act solo or with other actors and can produce high-quality audio remotely.

Los clientes incluyen

Dragonfly Productions, Partner Audio Pty (ACX), Truck4Goods, Universidad de Greenwich, Man v Fat Football, Biblica

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$350.94 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Audio libro
Audio libro


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