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Amy S - Artista de voz

Biografía del artista

Hello! My name is Amy S and I am proud to be one of the UK's leading voice actors for television, radio, animation, gaming and corporate projects. With over fifteen years behind the microphone, I am extremely versatile. I was born and raised on the South Coast of England and spent my 20's in London; my accent is RP British and easily understood by all. In 2023 I moved to Dubai, UAE in search of new adventures! I set up a professional studio space and continue to work with clients all over the world. I can use my voice in many ways; Bright, happy and enthusiastic, natural and authentic, girl next door, professional and corporate, young mum, smooth and sexy, newsreader, kids TV presenter, youthful and laid back, DJ, and character. Why work with me? * I have an excellent eye for detail and I listen really well, so you can trust me to get it right, first time. * I love working creatively with others, or alone. Whether you want my input, or just want me to deliver your vision, I'm happy. * I have a professionally equipped studio and have training in audio production. * I have an excellent reputation working for some of the biggest brands in the world. * Your project, is my most important project yet.

Los clientes incluyen

Disney, OSN, Amazon, Mac Cosmetics, L\'Oreal

Graba locuciones en: English Singing
Puede tomar dirección en: English Singing
Mostrar tarifas para:
$436.67 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Acentos y estilos

Mostrando clips en:
Comercial de radio
Comercial de radio
Comercial de radio


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