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Wizard voiceover artist search results

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South African
Biografía del artistaI'm a full-time voice over artist with several audiobook credits, a few video game credits, some podcast and social media video credits etc. I've recently started recording narration for e-learning projects and I'm looking to gain experience in a wider variety of voice over genres.
Los clientes incluyen: RevocerGM, Yehee Ltd, Blantyre International University, Nelly's Guest House, CLC Forex Bureau Ltd, Harold Fisher Publishing LLC
$460.34 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaGuy has been working as a professional voiceover talent for 25 years. Based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, he works with global and local clients on a daily basis. A trained and experienced actor and master sound engineer. Guy runs a true broadcast quality and dedicated voiceover studio.
Los clientes incluyen: Vodafone, Nintendo, Wizarding World (Harry Potter), NatGeo, Warhammer, Microsoft
$596.32 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
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