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Welsh accent voiceover artist search results

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Biografía del artistaCon 20 años de experiencia, el prolífico trabajo de voz de Pete incluye comerciales de televisión, dramas de radio, corporativos (presentación, aprendizaje electrónico, en espera), narración, documentales, impresiones, audiolibros y grabaciones de museos.
Los clientes incluyen: Discovery Channel, Samsung, Star Wars, IKEA, Amazon, Disney
$548.88 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaI'm a middle aged Welsh man with a warm, mellifluous South Wales accent, but perform in other accents on demand. I've been in VO for a few years, but have used my voice professionally for more than 35 years. I love dramatic or character work, but enjoy all aspects of VO.
Los clientes incluyen: Allergen Medical, Plarium Games, Primary Wave, Premier Inn, NHS, Half Human Games
$436.61 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaMulti-Award Nominated Voice Artist | Bilingual Welsh & English | Commercials, Narration, Radio Drama, Corporate, Documentary, Animation, E-Learning, IVR, Promo & Imaging | Warm, conversationally, youthful, millennial, bubbly, fresh, characterful tones
Los clientes incluyen: BBC Radio Drama, Bauer, Global, Clearwave Productions, Sketches, The UN
$762.35 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
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