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Urban street voiceover artist search results

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Biografía del artistaHi, my voice is mainly known for having a Warm, Conversational and Cool 20s Young Adult British Tone which is great for national and international audiences.
Los clientes incluyen: Amazon, Nike, University of Cambridge, WhatsApp, Shopify, H&M
$438.67 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaRamesh es el VO español castellano e inglés internacional mejor calificado en la mayoría de los sitios internacionales.
Los clientes incluyen: Intel, Jack & Jones Apparel, MasterCard, Microsoft, National Geographic, Warner Bros
$376.01 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaA female British voice talent voicing a range of styles across narration and commercial. Offering British neutral, RP, Regional, crossover West African, alto to soprano singing range and fluency in the Wolof language thrown in for good measure.
Los clientes incluyen: BBC, NHS, BP, Women for Women International, The PSC, Heart Essex
$459.59 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaDan has clients across the Fortune 500 and beyond who rely on him for an intelligent and authoritative sound while maintaining relatability.
Los clientes incluyen: Amazon, Google, Apple, IBM, Walmart, Coca-Cola
$459.59 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*
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