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Soothing voiceover artist search results

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Biografía del artistaLuke has a distinctive, rich and memorable voice. He has voiced projects for some of the worlds most well known companies, brands and franchises.
Los clientes incluyen: Royal Mail, Warner Brothers (Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter), ClearScore, Hyundai, Fortinet, Abbott Laboratories
$460.34 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaAward winning, multi nominated voice actor. An assured voice of maturity, experience,authority and gravitas. Perfect for inspiring trust, confident with a soothing and evocative tone. Great versatility she can move between animated characters to serious and compelling. RP, Geordie, Yorkshire, Scouse
Los clientes incluyen: Museo V&A, Big Finish / BBC (Doctor Who), IBM, Smooth Radio, English Heritage, MSD Medical
$460.34 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaA native US English speaker, I've been working as a voiceover artist for over 12 years and have a long list of credits in a variety of types of projects. I specialize in a natural, conversational, millennial sound. Anywhere from super bright & upbeat to soothing & calm to dry & sarcastic.
Los clientes incluyen: McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, Platos Closet, Express, Volvo
$460.34 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaJustin es un locutor estadounidense que está aquí para ofrecer una actuación fantástica para su proyecto. Su voz es naturalmente conversacional pero también tiene un tono autoritario. Se especializa en personajes de todas las formas y tamaños y también trabaja en el espacio Comercial y E-Learning.
Los clientes incluyen: Hulu, Chipotle, Spotify, Discord, Amazon, Progressive Insurance
$697.48 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaChris is from Manchester with an RP accent. He has been nominated twice for One Voice Awards and has years of experience as a voiceover artist, actor, and corporate presenter.
Los clientes incluyen: BBC, Amazon, The National Gallery, HSBC, Norton Anti-Virus, Lloyd's Register
$460.34 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
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