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Sassy voiceover artist search results

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Biografía del artistaVersatile and experienced voiceover artist and professional actor, with a broadcast-quality home studio. Bright, smooth and reassuring RP voice.
Los clientes incluyen: The Guardian, GlaxoSmithKline, UCL, Dell, BMW, Deloitte
$436.92 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaFemale Voiceover Artist of The Year - One Voice Awards '23 and VOX Awards '23. Fresh female voice with a naturally engaging and relatable tone. Often booked for conversational and natural reads a well as Neutral English/global accents. A versatile voice actor who is reliable and easy to work with.
Los clientes incluyen: Prada, Disney, Vodafone, Adidas, Google, Warner Brothers
$861.35 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaTengo experiencia y soy un actor y artista de doblaje de confianza con un estudio profesional de transmisión. Mi estilo de voz es cálido, natural, alegre, fresco, atrevido y alegre. Puedo entregar lecturas naturales o de carácter
Los clientes incluyen: CIELO, Cadbury, DFS, Morrisons, Ocado, John Lewis
$574.23 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaExperienced British female voiceover artist with a natural, knowledgeable and relatable voice and a neutral South East accent which can be dialled up to RP or down to Estuary English. Broadcast quality home studio offering fast turnaround for your projects
Los clientes incluyen: Pepsi, Barclays, Pfizer, Asda, Network Rail, Citizen's Advice
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaA relaxed, warm & conversational voice with a neutral English accent. Working in commercial, corporate, e-learning, TV documentary narration and video games.
Los clientes incluyen: Shell, Disney, BMW, Swarovski, Hewlett Packard, Airbus
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
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