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Luxury voiceover artist search results

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Biografía del artistaVersatile professional voiceover and actor with an RP/neutral English accent and an engaging, friendly and clear voice. Excels at natural, conversational corporate reads and character work. Broadcast-quality studio with rapid turnaround of finished audio available.
Los clientes incluyen: Coca Cola, Moonpig, Lavazza, Fendi, Psychiatry UK, Procter & Gamble
$376.01 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaA native US English speaker, I've been working as a voiceover artist for over 12 years and have a long list of credits in a variety of types of projects. I specialize in a natural, conversational, millennial sound. Anywhere from super bright & upbeat to soothing & calm to dry & sarcastic.
Los clientes incluyen: McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, Platos Closet, Express, Volvo
$459.59 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaA female British voice talent voicing a range of styles across narration and commercial. Offering British neutral, RP, Regional, crossover West African, alto to soprano singing range and fluency in the Wolof language thrown in for good measure.
Los clientes incluyen: BBC, NHS, BP, Women for Women International, The PSC, Heart Essex
$459.59 per hour*+ $8.15 booking fee*
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