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Resultados de búsqueda de locutores femeninos

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Biografía del artistaFull-time with 7+ years experience in Commercial, e-Learning, Explainers, and Corporate Narration. I am (and sound) Lively, Warm, Chic, Trustworthy, Knowledgeable, Cool, Savvy, Snarkey, Girl Next Door, Soccer Mom, Princess, Bubbly, Bright, Southern Belle, and above all - A REAL PERSON.
Los clientes incluyen: CocaCola, Walmart, Amazon, Airbnb, Google, Thomson, Reuters
$443.26 per hour*+ $8.23 booking fee*
South African

Biografía del artistaI am a first language English speaking Cape Town based theater actress and voice over artist who received her Honours qualification from the University of Cape Town in South Africa. I have 10 years experience in the industry and my two professions lend a hand to each other creatively.
Los clientes incluyen: Nandos., Puma., Google., Revlon., KFC., Ackermans.
$379.94 per hour*+ $8.23 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaBarri es un talento internacional, conocido como la voz de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno 2018. Ella aporta una lectura natural y conversacional a los comerciales, narración corporativa y eLearning, y 2 décadas de experiencia en el escenario a animaciones y videojuegos. Audio impecable: sin estrés y correcto a la primera.
Los clientes incluyen: Toyota, Samsung, LG, Hyatt Hotels, H&M, Dunkin Donuts
$464.39 per hour*+ $8.23 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaA native US English speaker, I've been working as a voiceover artist for over 12 years and have a long list of credits in a variety of types of projects. I specialize in a natural, conversational, millennial sound. Anywhere from super bright & upbeat to soothing & calm to dry & sarcastic.
Los clientes incluyen: McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, Platos Closet, Express, Volvo
$464.39 per hour*+ $8.23 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaHi, my voice is mainly known for having a Warm, Conversational and Cool 20s Young Adult British Tone which is great for national and international audiences.
Los clientes incluyen: Amazon, Nike, University of Cambridge, WhatsApp, Shopify, H&M
$443.26 per hour*+ $8.23 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaAward winning voice artist and actor, Fran has a charming, compelling and engaging delivery with a smooth, sensuous and warm tone.
Los clientes incluyen: Swietelsky, Arup, Dyson, Eon, Volvo, Greenpeace
$464.39 per hour*+ $8.23 booking fee*
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