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Biografía del artistaVersatile professional voiceover and actor with an RP/neutral English accent and an engaging, friendly and clear voice. Excels at natural, conversational corporate reads and character work. Broadcast-quality studio with rapid turnaround of finished audio available.
Los clientes incluyen: Coca Cola, Moonpig, Lavazza, Fendi, Psychiatry UK, Procter & Gamble
$375.79 per hour*+ $8.14 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaFemale Voiceover Artist of The Year - One Voice Awards '23. Fresh British female voice with a naturally engaging and warm tone. Often booked for conversational and warm reads and Neutral English/global accents. A versatile voice actor who is reliable and easy to work with.
Los clientes incluyen: Prada, Disney, Nestle, Adidas, Google, BMW
$538.63 per hour*+ $8.14 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaAyudar a las personas creativas a dar voz a sus personajes e historias
Los clientes incluyen: Side UK, Pitstop Productions, Wadjet Eye Games, Grinding Gear Games, Bigmouth Audio, Elevate
$459.32 per hour*+ $8.14 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaBarri es un talento internacional, conocido como la voz de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno 2018. Ella aporta una lectura natural y conversacional a los comerciales, narración corporativa y eLearning, y 2 décadas de experiencia en el escenario a animaciones y videojuegos. Audio impecable: sin estrés y correcto a la primera.
Los clientes incluyen: Toyota, Samsung, LG, Hyatt Hotels, H&M, Dunkin Donuts
$459.32 per hour*+ $8.14 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaDavid is an experienced 40s/50s voice artist working regularly in Commercial, Corporate Narration, E-Learning, Animation & Gaming. A soft, earthy and kind Scottish edge to a clear and articulate British accent. Deep - Reassuring - Fatherly - Encouraging - Enveloping - Kind
Los clientes incluyen: Santander, DPD, NHS, Biffa, Spotify, Eleventh Hour Games
$368.27 per hour*+ $8.14 booking fee*
South African
Biografía del artistaI'm a full-time voice over artist with several audiobook credits, a few video game credits, some podcast and social media video credits etc. I've recently started recording narration for e-learning projects and I'm looking to gain experience in a wider variety of voice over genres.
Los clientes incluyen: RevocerGM, Yehee Ltd, Blantyre International University, Nelly's Guest House, CLC Forex Bureau Ltd, Harold Fisher Publishing LLC
$459.32 per hour*+ $8.14 booking fee*
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