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Biografía del artistaDavid has been recording voiceovers for a mixture of broadcast and corporate clients for over 20 years.
Los clientes incluyen: ITV, BBC, Disney, Universal, Lionsgate, CNBC
$460.19 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaHi! I'm Chloe! A global and international storyteller. My voice is often described as deep, rich, friendly, conversational, genuine, soothing, sexy, textured, bubbly, genuine, with dynamic range.
Los clientes incluyen: Microsoft Edge, Toyota, Sony, ApplePay, Tubi, Jeep
$398.84 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaA native US English speaker, I've been working as a voiceover artist for over 12 years and have a long list of credits in a variety of types of projects. I specialize in a natural, conversational, millennial sound. Anywhere from super bright & upbeat to soothing & calm to dry & sarcastic.
Los clientes incluyen: McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, Platos Closet, Express, Volvo
$460.19 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
Biografía del artistaFull-time with 7+ years experience in Commercial, e-Learning, Explainers, and Corporate Narration. I am (and sound) Lively, Warm, Chic, Trustworthy, Knowledgeable, Cool, Savvy, Snarkey, Girl Next Door, Soccer Mom, Princess, Bubbly, Bright, Southern Belle, and above all - A REAL PERSON.
Los clientes incluyen: CocaCola, Walmart, Amazon, Airbnb, Google, Thomson, Reuters
$439.25 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaTalento global experimentado. Atlántico Medio / Estados Unidos / Australia / Reino Unido. Estudio profesional de amplia gama.
Los clientes incluyen: VISA, PayPal, HSBC, Western Union, John Deere, UNICEF
$460.19 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*

Biografía del artistaEnormemente apasionado por crear voces que conecten con la gente. De divertido a serio, de dramático a humano, querer crear esas voces que no puedes dejar de escuchar es lo que me hace querer levantarme de la cama todas las mañanas.
Los clientes incluyen: Amazon, Intel, Land Rover, ropa deportiva de Columbia, cinta adhesiva, Nespresso
$376.50 per hour*+ $8.16 booking fee*
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