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Julie M - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

Julie has worked as a TV and Radio presenter for a whole host of organizations including the BBC, Sky, Classic FM and ITN. She was thrown in the deep end in her broadcasting career when she became the first female flying eye reporting on traffic jams from a Cessna 152 over the skies of Kent. 'Julie Jambuster' quickly became a household name - which wasn't bad considering that Julie openly admits that when she started the job she hadn't got a clue where she was in the plane and couldn't tell the difference between the M25 and the M2. When broadcasting her personality shines through and is often described as the 'girl next door'. Julie's voice is one that anyone listening to it will comfortable and confident with. She has a fresh and sincere voice which is instantly personable, projecting professionalism whilst ensuring confidence and sincerity in any product.

Los clientes incluyen

BBC, ITN, Sky Television, P&O Ferries, QVC, English Heritage

Graba locuciones en: English
Puede tomar dirección en: English
Mostrar tarifas para:
$377.99 per hour*+ $8.19 booking fee*

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