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Courtney B - Voice Artist

Biografía del artista

Professional home-based studio open 24/7, Neumann TLM 103 mic, lightning fast turnaround according to your chosen specs... I can achieve neutral American OR neutral English AND a crystal-clear sound from a REAL healthcare practitioner with a 15+ year background as a professional voiceover artist, actress and professionally trained singer. Prior clients include: NPR's All Thing's Considered, Garmin, Mayo Clinic, among others. The skill that sets my voice/ talent apart from the crowd is my ability to master medical terminology and technical jargon efficiently and expertly with a quick turn-over rate, without sounding pedantic. I love a challenge, and I love being a word freak geek... go ahead, hit me with your best excessively technical jargon!

Los clientes incluyen

Garmin, Credible.com, Thinx, Chick Fil-A, NuVasiv

Graba locuciones en: American Singing
Puede tomar dirección en: American Singing
Mostrar tarifas para:
$462.01 per hour*+ $8.19 booking fee*

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