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Quiet reflective voiceover artist search results

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Artist BiographyMultiple voiceover award nominated and with a high quality soundproofed and acoustically treated studio, I have a friendly, conversational and authoritative style and specialise in commercial, corporate, TV and industrial narration, telephone message, film trailer, promo and video game reads.
Clients Include: BBC, Universal Music, BMW, Pfizer, Fiat, Twitter
$499.33 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyVersatile professional voiceover and actor with an RP/neutral English accent and an engaging, friendly and clear voice. Excels at natural, conversational corporate reads and character work. Broadcast-quality studio with rapid turnaround of finished audio available.
Clients Include: BMW, Sainsburys, Coca Cola, Moonpig, Lavazza, Fendi
$374.50 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyBen is a Award winning Full time British Voice Artist. He Works daily for clients worldwide from his studio and prides himself on great customer service and quick project turnaround.
Clients Include: Amazon, Samsung, Vodafone, Sky, UEFA, Cannon
$381.45 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyVersatile and experienced voiceover artist and professional actor, with a broadcast-quality home studio. Bright, smooth and reassuring RP voice.
Clients Include: The Guardian, GlaxoSmithKline, UCL, Dell, BMW, Deloitte
$436.92 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
Artist BiographyA relaxed, warm & conversational voice with a neutral English accent. Working in commercial, corporate, e-learning, TV documentary narration and video games.
Clients Include: Shell, Disney, BMW, Swarovski, Hewlett Packard, Airbus
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
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