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Kenny B - Voice Artist

Artist biography

Kenny is a trained actor & multi award-winning voice-actor, with over 20 years experience. He began his career by winning the BBC radio "Carleton Hobbs" award (2000) and working for his first year solely in radio drama, often playing many characters in a single production. He also won the VOX awards 2017 "Best Male Performance" for the Broadband Genie TV campaign and the Audie 2019 for Anne Cleeves Shetland Novel Wild Fire. To date he has performed in over 300 radio plays, 70 talking books and countless corporate & commercial jobs, animations, games, e-learning, whatever requires voices. As comfortable with a character, theatrical or straight MVO read, there is little that Kenny cannot do with his voice. His clients have included Xero, Argos, Volkswagen, KLM, Scottish Power, Honda, Greggs, Army recruitment, Sky and RBS to name a few. He is also a successful actor working in theatre, film and TV, including most recently, Granit Harbour, Dark Phone, The Nest (TX March 2020) Adult Material (2020) The Loch (ITV), First and Only, Tommys Honour, Trust Me (BBC), Doors Open (Sprout Pictures) and Outlander. (Sony/Starz) Kenny also coordinates ADR loop, post production voicing on TV shows like Shetland, Guilt, Vigil and Karen Pirie to name a few.

Clients include

Xero, Atlas, BP, Baillie Gifford, Volkswagen, Scottish Power

Records voiceovers in: Scottish
Can take direction in: Scottish
Show rates for:
$374.50 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Accents and styles

Showing clips in:
Geordie accent
American accent
Liverpool accent
Scottish accent
Cockney accent
Welsh accent
North West England accent


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