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Joanne L - Voice Artist

Artist biography

I have a bright, fresh and confident voice with a lower tone and can offer natural, corporate, conversational and RP reads. I have a vocal age range of 25-40 years and voice a lot of corporate work, as well as television and radio commercials. My credits include Coca Cola, Google, Barclaycard, Cisco, Virgin Media, Deloitte, Samsung Mobile, GE Capital, DHL, Ikea, Zurich, AXA and The British Safety Council, plus many more. I have my own broadcast quality ISDN recording studio at home but, should the need arise, I can travel to London within the hour.

Clients include

Coca Cola, Google, Barclaycard, Cisco, Deloitte, Virgin Media, Toyota & Lexus, DHL, Ikea, AXA, Zurich

Records voiceovers in: English
Can take direction in: English
Show rates for:
$624.17 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Accents and styles

Showing clips in:
Telephone Message


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