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Belinda G - Voice Artist

Artist biography

Belinda knows her way around a microphone. After working as an announcer in commercial radio for over 20 years, she switched to full time voce over work 6 years ago and hasn't looked back. Belinda offers a beautiful 30+ retail read, and her dulcet tones can be heard voicing for big name Australian brands like Harvey Norman, Domayne, EHarmony and Medicare. She's voiced the seatbelt procedure for a couple of airlines, and once even did the credit card prompts on a phone sex line. Just the prompts she assures us! Belinda lives in Perth Western Australia with her future husband and their dog Bowie the Staxer (staffy x boxer, makes sense, yes?).

Clients include

Harvey Norman, Domayne, EHarmony, Medicare

Records voiceovers in: Australian
Can take direction in: Australian
Show rates for:
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Accents and styles

Showing clips in:
Australian accent


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