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Amália M - Voice Artist

Artist biography

Since 3 years ago I am a Professional voice artist based in Rio de Janeiro from my Home studio I can deliver high quality and fast turnaround, I am a serious and totally dedicated full time freelancer. I live in Brazil about 15 years, I'm from Paraguay, I was born in the border of Paraguay and Brazil so I'm a native trilingual speaker, because in my native country Spanish and Guarani, an indigenous language, are the official languages. Also I can speak English and Italian with latin accent.

Clients include

Mc Donalds, Amazon, Decathlon, Husqvarna, Huggies, Next

Records voiceovers in: Spanish Portuguese (Brazilian)
Can take direction in: Spanish Portuguese (Brazilian) English Italian
Show rates for:
$1248.33 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Accents and styles

Showing clips in:
Audio Book


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