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Alexander D - Voice Artist

Artist biography

Alexander has been working as a voiceover artist & actor since 2009. With 200+ VO's under his belt, Alexander has established himself as one of the top German voices in London. He's also native French (Belgian accented) and speaks perfect English (German/French/Transatlantic accented). His range of experience goes from commercial (Grand Marnier Global, Babbel, Corona, Dell, Shell...), corporate (BASF, UBS, Credit Suisse, Seagate, Oracle...) and educational (Oxford Press, Cambridge Exam Board) to Sports Broadcast (Perform, Omnisport, Spox) and ADR/Dubbing (The Night Manager, Wonderwoman, Borgias...). Games wise he voiced Sniper Elite 4, Grey Goo & Tin Drum. As an actor he's worked with The National Theatre (The Jungle) and in various TV Series & Films (Genius: Picasso, Alarm für Cobra: 11, Le Bureau des Légendes & Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, The Danish Girl). He trained at Drama Studio London and studied Economics & International Relations at the University of Birmingham.

Clients include

Grand Marnier, Corona, BASF, Babbel, Dell, Disney

Records voiceovers in: English French Austrian
Can take direction in: English French Austrian Spanish
Show rates for:
$399.47 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Accents and styles

Showing clips in:
German accent
French accent


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