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Welsh accent voiceover artist search results

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Artist BiographyWith 20 years experience, Pete's prolific voice work includes TV Commercials, Radio Drama, Corporate (Presentation, E-learning, On-Hold), Narration, Documentary, Impressions, Audio Books and Museum recordings.
Clients Include: Discovery Channel, Samsung, Star Wars, IKEA, Amazon, Disney
$549.27 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyRobert's naturally warm and inviting voice is extremely versatile and has been heard widely on radio, TV, corporate videos, documentaries and English language courses for many years.
Clients Include: Ribena, Horlicks, VW, British Heart Foundation, British Airways, Fable II (Xbox game), Witcher 2 (Xbox game)
$499.33 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
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