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Artist BiographyJoe F is a professional voice artist and actor of many years experience. His skills range from subtle, authentic warm tones to upbeat character comedy and everywhere in between and beyond. Whatever is right for your project, Joe will deliver with passion and commitment, every time.
Clients Include: Mercedes Benz, Kia, Sony, NHS
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyAs seen on Britain's Got Talent! Current, relatable and extremely versatile, with tonnes of characters, accents and celebrity impressions!
Clients Include: Disney, Netflix, Nike, Coca Cola, ESPN, Sky
$374.50 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyWith 20 years experience, Pete's prolific voice work includes TV Commercials, Radio Drama, Corporate (Presentation, E-learning, On-Hold), Narration, Documentary, Impressions, Audio Books and Museum recordings.
Clients Include: Discovery Channel, Samsung, Star Wars, IKEA, Amazon, Disney
$549.27 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyGolden Voice of the BT Speaking Clock! Sara's warm, rich, welcoming tones are known worldwide and corporate & documentary narration is her forté. Recognizable as a BBC voice, including Horizon, her narration and commercial experience is far reaching & her character range is vast.
Clients Include: Virgin Atlantic, Ambassador Cruiseline, Nuffield Health, NHS, Sainsbury's, B&Q
$624.17 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
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