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Artist BiographyI’m a versatile 20/30s Northern Geordie British voiceover, with natural ups and downs in my voice adding a great range. You can hear me in Asda stores Nationwide, occasionally on Channel 4, The Heist on Sky One, various video games, adverts and corporate videos.
Clients Include: Asda, Amazon, Universal Studios, Channel4, Tesco Mobile, Vodafone
$374.50 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyDiane is a professional Scottish Female Voiceover Artist based near Glasgow, Scotland, with a highly approachable, confident and friendly light central Scotland accent, capable of performing a variety of age groups with a versatile delivery style.
Clients Include: BBC, Bank Of Scotland, The Samaritans, SGN Energy, NHS Scotland, Scottish Government Works and Pensions
$374.50 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyHighly experienced with 20 years voice over experience, Wendy has a versatile, warm and friendly voice with the ability to sound youthful and vibrant or more mature, elegant and classy. Easily directed offering any style of read required for any project.
Clients Include: Telstra, Shopify, Felpreva, Deloitee, ANZ, Ascenda
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyBarri is an international talent, known as the voice of the 2018 Winter Olympics. She brings a natural and conversational read to commercials, corporate narration and eLearning, and 2 decades of stage experience to animations and video games. Impeccable audio: stress-free & right the first time.
Clients Include: Toyota, Samsung, LG, Hyatt Hotels, H&M, Dunkin Donuts
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*

Artist BiographyAnna is an experienced British female voiceover artist with a warm Neutral RP accent based just outside London. Her friendly, trustworthy & conversational tone lends itself to a wide range of voice genres including Corporate Animations, Explainers, eLearning, Commercial & Medical Narration Voiceover
Clients Include: Visa, Santander, Disney, Deloitte, L'Oreal, GSK
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
Artist BiographyExperienced British female voiceover artist with a natural, knowledgeable and relatable voice and a neutral South East accent which can be dialled up to RP or down to Estuary English. Broadcast quality home studio offering fast turnaround for your projects
Clients Include: Pepsi, Barclays, Pfizer, Asda, Network Rail, Citizen's Advice
$457.75 per hour*+ $8.11 booking fee*
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